All Generations
Adult Day Center

Let us take care of the children, for they have a  long way to go.  Let us take care of the elders , for they have come a long way. Let us take care of those in between, for they are doing the work

African Prayer

Our Mission

All Generations Adult Day Center, LLC will provide quality day care services to frail and/or functionally impaired adults through recreational, social, and therapeutic activities; as well as forming intergenerational programs connecting children and participating adults in an effort to build relationships and enrich the lives of all generations.

Goals of the Program

  • To prevent premature or inappropriate institutionalization
  • To provide day respite for caregivers
  • To maintain or improve the functional level of participants
  • To provide limited medical and personal care for participants
  • To provide opportunities for growth and development of participants
  • To Provide recreational therapy for participants.
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